Enlightened Capitalism
Basic Agreements
- Four major stakeholder groups, namely Investors, Executives, Employees and the general public share equally in the profits of the corporation.
- Human Resource (HR) policies would be family friendly, generous and designed to create an atmosphere of stability and support for all involved.
- The company structure is not as significant as the profit-sharing agreements. (i.e. Family Held, Stock etc.)
- Obviously, if the company were publicly traded, not all profits would accrue to the shareholders.
- The company would adopt materials sourcing, handling and waste management policies that would be Fair Trade, Organic, Environmentally Responsible and Fair Labor in nature.
- The company would operate in a completely transparent way.
- All employees commit to The 100/100 Game which has only two rules and one perspective shift:
Rule One
If you make a mess clean it up. Always leave things better than you found them.
Rule Two
If you see something that needs to be done, do it.
Perspective Shift
Anything you see that needs doing/handling stop labeling it as belonging to “anyone.” View it without the labels as simply what happens to need doing.
Example: When I come across a situation that someone else has left unhandled, participated in or created, all I see is what is wanted and needed to solve the issue. If I spend even a moment’s time on who didn’t handle whatever it was, participated in or created the situation, whatever the issue is then belongs to someone and I have ceased playing The 100/100 Game. The 100/100 Game does not mean everyone makes messes or creates situations that needs tending and one person is responsible for solving whatever it is; it means everyone plays the game, and by not making the messes “belong” to anyone and allowing them to just be what needs done. We internally free ourselves to be more fully present and agitation ceases. When everyone participates in the 100 / 100 game, the home / place of business / workshop / class / institution, all places run more smoothly and efficiently. People develop eyes for seeing what is wanted and needed, the environment not only takes on a more efficient tone quality, it also takes on an incredible sense of presence and loving kindness from all those in the environment towards each other, their work and themselves.
- Imagine how employees will feel, how they will treat customers, how customers will feel and what they will say about their experience.
- This is good business, not simply appropriate.
© The Boothby Institute, 1981, bill cumming
(Revised 12/15/24)
© Reprinted by Sunstar Studios Inc. with permission from The Boothby Institute
© 2025 Sunstar Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.